Tarte aux Citrons

A French classic ... and one of my absolute favorites! In Paris, I have eaten and compared countless Tartes aux Citrons.... I worked on my recipe for months until I found the perfect balance between sweetness and acidity for me: The lemon cream contains no gelatine or starch and tastes incredible in combination with the crunchy shortcrust pastry! If you like it sweeter, crush some Meringue and sprinkle it on your Tarte


Tarte aux Citrons

For 1 bigger Tarte (25cm) or 6 little ones (8cm)


sweet shortcrust pastry
150g of flour
100g ground almonds
100g sugar
2g salt
100g butter, cold
1 egg
Zest of an untreated lemon

lemon cream
150ml lemon juice
100g sugar
3 eggs
30g butter


For the shortcrust pastry, mix the flour, sugar, salt, zest and cold butter until you get little crumbs.
Add the eggs and knead until a ball can be formed. Cover and leave in the fridge for at least 2 hours.

Roll out the dough, place it in a buttered tarte pan, cut off the trimmings and pick in some holes with a fork. Bake blind at 170°C until golden brown.

In a saucepan, whisk together the lemon juice, sugar and eggs and heat until the liquid thickenes heavily like a pudding. Take off the heat.

Add the butter to your lemon cream and mix it in with a blender. Let cool slightly. Pour the cream in your pre-baked shortcrust pastry and let cool completely (you can also prepare the cream the day before. Always cover it well, so it won’t get a skin and just whip it creamy before you pour it in your tarte shell.)


Peach Tarte


Poppyseed Cake